Wednesday, October 19, 2016


by James Hufferd, Ph.D.
Coordinator, 911 Truth Grassroots Organization


A story from under one of my unlikely other hats, as a bona fide sometime historian of Brazil, or brasilianista (see my Cruzeiro do Sul, A History of Brazil’s Half-Millennium, Vol. 1 and 2, available on In the early colonial days, under the rocky regime of the fledgling colony’s second governor-general, Duarte da Costa, the resident Portuguese Jesuits, South America’s very first cadre of clerics, petitioned the king in Lisbon to declare Brazil a separate jurisdiction from the Azores and send to the sprawling coast a bishop of its own. Hence, the strict King JoΓ£o III’s choice, the austere Dom Pedro Fernandes Sardinha, a classic drudge and martinet, was sent across, and immediately threatened the charmed progress the almost Renaissance-minded mere handful of Jesuits had made in pacifying the Indians, mainly the widespread Tupi tribal people. Receiving complaints, the king recalled the equally austere bishop for consultation.

But only a few hundred kilometers up the coast, the ship transporting him ran aground, and he and reportedly about a hundred other unlucky passengers and crew were quickly nabbed and eaten by the local Caete natives.

The point is that for the next century or more, revenge for the ghastly crime against Brazil’s first bishop was cited time after time after time after time as the pretext for successive genocidal slaughters of Brazilian Indians of whatever allegiance or band, mounting into quite likely millions and utter extermination from almost the entire eastern half of the continent-size country.

There is only one – but absolutely critical – difference between that more than extravagantly abused pretext for an egregious, heartless and endless genocidal hecatomb, and the one unstintingly exercised by the U.S. in the Middle East and broader environs today. And that is that that pretext in the one instance really (or, at least, apparently) did happen as portrayed by the “authorities”; whereas the way it was told in which 9/11 befell and its authors was expressly made up and drummed into the mentality of the American nation and world as a shamelessly false myth – a lie. A lie or myth that emphatically had to be true (although, small detail, it was not) and absolutely had to be defended as true history, although it, of course, was anything but.

In fact, the motivation for the wholly unjustified U.S. invasion of, of all places, the Middle East, a first-line trade partner for seventy years by now and continuing, may have been a desire to hijack or pirate valuable strategic materials, and more plausibly to control strategic space. But it had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11. That was a lie of truly imperial proportions, which in turn necessitated the spinning and promulgation as truths of more wholesale state-sanctioned whoppers.

Outright lies. Namely, that the Middle East was full of and teeming with irrational, hate-filled demons hell-bent on the destruction of the entire west, not just the United States, to make way for an imagined (or hallucinated) sick, perverted faux-Islamic ascendancy and permanent reign of slavery over the whole infidel earth. The reason the U.S. couldn’t ever even try to negotiate with them was inferred to be their certain-to-be utterly scrambled and rabidly worse-than-worthless diabolical brains.

The vast add-on lie invoked here, of course, is that first al-Qaeda and then ISIL (or ISIS), two U.S. creations and puppet organizations, respectively, were and are actually the military and cerebral spearheads of a diabolic Middle Eastern militancy, even going so far as to deal through deadly offshoots and rogues to criminally attack targets in North America, Europe, and as far afield as Bangladesh and Bali. All of which, of course, were strategically orchestrated lies to prop up more basic lies in lieu of in-house actual perpetration, designed to and extend the effectiveness of the original lie, an unbelievably consequential narrative endangering and lethally attacking ultimately the whole world of Muslim human beings wherever they are and unrightfully occupying the business of the planet at least for decades. Whoever knows and cares must surely act to bring an end to the monstrous foundational lies spun literally out of nothing but fevered criminal imaginations – very much like fiat money, and likewise employed to control the world for an otherwise utterly creedless, psychotic, tiny global Γ©lite.

The true battle today is between these tip-top Γ©lite control selfist-globalists and the – to them – deplorable nationalists who want to divert control back to the discretion of the world’s masses and seven billion individuals as autonomous actors.

Which has, almost by default, become the real message of Donald Trump, a warrior candidate for U.S. president and self-acclaimed standard-bearer against globalism, who, though he keeps tripping over his own baggage, nevertheless also calls out the lies of its agents, truthfully declaring Hillary and Obama the “founders of ISIS” and rightly blaming the George W. Bush administration for 9/11. This, while not daring to go so far (as yet) with either well-based claim as to tighten the noose already around his neck.

Now, he calls out their ever-more-obvious (and precedented!) rigging of the whole electoral system, and he has them furious and at the same time quaking in their brazen boots. He may well lose, a victim of himself and that which he decries. But he has quite patriotically tipped off many millions of his countrymen and heartened the multitude of co-claimants to the power, formerly undisputed, that’s long been clamped down over them.

Unlike in the case of the ridiculously long-lasting pretext used for slaughtering up to millions of understandably hostile others in colonial Brazil, where the miniscule communities of settlers really were seemingly forever in a situation of permanent grave danger, the contrived onslaught carried on, on, and on by the U.S.-driven west and its lackeys, is based upon an elaborate, fragile and tantalizingly vulnerable superstructure of lies.

The Russians, the new declared enemy and fly in the corrupt American establishment’s ointment, with its spectacularly enraging constant bombardment of America’s wholly-controlled ISIS patsies, who our authorities naturally cannot acknowledge as such, are chipping away at the lie – running the solemnly warned risk of thermonuclear war, the only disincentive with a possibility to dissuade them. And if, as alleged, they are also hacking into and revealing publicly machinations of the U.S. establishment and its deceitfully-selected new leaders, they are, whether we like it or not, further serving the interests of the truth through Wikileaks.

Let truth be forever the banner for us all, and again may it prevail and wave free! “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

JH: 10/18/16